Embracing Change in Education: The Benefits of Experiential Education & Learning

As the world continues to undergo rapid changes, traditional educational patterns are no longer sufficient in preparing students for the future. To address this, it's essential to shift from conventional norms and offer relevant exposure and experiences to students.

Our Experiential Education platform seeks to provide students with direct experience in their areas of interest, enabling them to gain relevant knowledge and experience, thereby making informed career choices. Additionally, this approach helps parents save time and money that would have otherwise been spent on counselling.

Overall, Experiential Education offers students more knowledge, learning, and experience during their school years, better equipping them for the future.

Experiential Education through

Summer School

Attending a summer school program is a great way for students to make new friends, learn new skills, and have fun during the summer break. It is an excellent opportunity for students to gain valuable experience and knowledge that can help them succeed in their future careers.

University Boot Camp

The "University Experience Boot Camp" is a program/course aimed at providing an intensive and immersive experience for students who are currently enrolled in schools or are about to enter a college or university. The program/course is designed to equip the students with the necessary skills and knowledge to excel in their academic pursuits.

Leadership School

Empowering students with leadership skills through a specialized school. This initiative strives to equip students with leadership skills that will enable them to succeed in their future pursuits. The objective is to establish a robust foundation that focuses on empowering students to become successful leaders. The program emphasizes the significance of self-leadership before leading others, thereby facilitating the development of essential personal leadership skills.

Young Leaders Forum

This forum is intended for students ranging from Grade 8 to Undergraduate level.

The Young Leaders Forum is a thriving and dynamic community of young students who are committed to making a positive difference for themselves and others. The forum offers a unique platform that empowers young students to cultivate their leadership abilities, engage in constructive dialogue, share their experiences, and hone key skills and competencies necessary to create a positive leadership impact in their communities and beyond.

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Career Dialogue

Career Dialogue aims to bridge the gap between students and professionals by providing a platform for open dialogue and exploration. Through engaging conversations and real-life experiences shared by industry leaders and university students, participants are encouraged to expand their knowledge and gain valuable insights into different career paths. By fostering connections and offering a glimpse into the diverse opportunities available, Career Dialogue equips students with the information needed to make informed decisions about their future. It is a stepping stone towards empowering the next generation to pursue their passions and aspirations with confidence.

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Get Inspired

'Get Inspired' is an interactive series that provides students with the opportunity to engage with high achievers, discovering more about their career journeys and how they overcame obstacles to achieve their goals. This initiative by Lynkube aims to offer students real-life perspectives and inspire them through shared experiences.

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